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Jack Winter was born in Canada, educated in Montreal and Toronto, and taught modern theatre and creative writing at several Canadian and British universities including York University (Toronto) and University of Bristol (UK). For twelve years he was resident playwright and dramaturge at Toronto Workshop Productions as well as a freelance playwright/producer/director. Then he and his British wife moved to the UK where he continues to teach and to write. The author of stage plays, cinema films, radio and television productions (C.B.C. B.B.C., Australian Broadcasting Corporation, DeutschlandRadio) as well as academic and popular journalism and critical articles, prose fiction and non-fiction (Modern Language Quarterly, Times Educational Supplement, The Guardian, The Observer, The Poetry Review, Canadian Theatre Review, Theatre Research In Canada, etc.) and several poetry collections, his most recent books are The Tallis Bag (Ottawa: Oberon Press, 2012), My TWP Plays: A Collection Including “Ten Lost Years” (Vancouver: Talonbooks, 2013) and Tales Of The Emperor (Vancouver: Talonbooks, 2015). Recognition for his work includes The Telegram Theatre Award for the Best New Canadian Play (Before Compiègne), the Chalmers Award for the Outstanding Canadian Play (Ten Lost Years), the Ontario Arts Council Senior Writer’s Award, the Canada Council Senior Arts Fellowship, the Canadian Film Award for the Best Documentary Film (Selling Out), an Academy Award nomination for the Best Short Subject (Selling Out), the C. Day-Lewis Fellowship of the Greater London Arts Association, the Arts Council of Great Britain Creative Writing Fellowship (twice). Or, in the words of George Luscombe, his TWP colleague, mentor and friend, “For Christ’s sake, Jack, will you go out and get a job?”
15 U.B.
The Evil Eye
And They’ll Make Peace
Before Compiègne
The Mechanic
The Death of Woyzeck
Hey Rube!
The Golem of Venice
The Wrecked Blackship
Party Day
The Centre
Mr. Pickwick
Letters from the Earth
Ten Lost Years
You Can’t Get Here from There
Summer Seventy-Six
Family Matters
Caboose to Moose Jaw
Before Compiegne (radio)
Happy Birthday, Death! (radio)
A Saltykov-Shchedrin Sketchbook (radio)
The Prudent Minnow (radio)
The Wrecked Blackship (radio)
Blackship (TV)
Search For Solutions (cinema)
The Speaker (radio)
Selling Out (TV)
Selling Out (cinema)
My Bathurst (radio)
An Acadian Party (radio)
The Island (radio)
Waiting (radio)
Arts And Letters In The G.D.R. (radio)
Women In The G.D.R. (radio)
Italo (TV)
Ten Lost Years (TV)
The Fifth Sun (TV)
Tamara’s Tapestry World (TV)
Five Great Days (radio)
Wild Rice (TV)
Untimely Death (radio)
Saltykov’s World (radio)
Golovlovo (radio)
Mask Of The Bear (TV)
Kaddish (radio)
The Island
Misplaced Persons
The Ballad of Bladud
Nomad’s Land
The Tallis Bag
My TWP Plays: A Collection Including “Ten Lost Years”
Tales of the Emperor
“The Golem of Venice” And Other Plays (forthcoming)
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